Best Book Reccomendations
There are thousands of books on amazon, 1000+ resume writing books the last time I checked. All of the books shared here are books that I’ve read and use myself.
If you’re on a tight budget and want (or need) to write your own resume you can. Having a great guide will help tremendously. 3 resume writing books I recommend are:
🔹 Modernize Your Resume (I’ve taken classes with Louise Kursmark, one of the authors) myself.
🔹 Resumes For Dummies (I have sample resumes in the last two editions.)
🔹 The Modern Resume Guide (This is based on how I work with my clients.)
I’ve also included some business books I’ve found personally and professionally helpful. This is far from a complete list, but it’s all I have time to add right now 😊)
(In a few cases I’ve linked to more recent editions of the books than the ones I have on my bookshelf.)
⭐Full Disclosure: These are affiliate links, so I will make a small commission if you purchase any of these items. You can purchase them directly from Amazon if you prefer.
Resume Writing Books
Business Books
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