26 Oct
Job Search Expenses Tax Deductible?
No one disputes that looking for a new job can get a bit pricey. Upgrading your interview wardrobe, getting some business cards, and creating marketing documents all have a fee.
While having a professionally written resume will probably shorten your job search and may even help you get a higher salary, partnering with an experienced resume writer isn’t cheap.
The good news is that some of your job search expenses are tax deductible**
I’m not an accountant, which is why you should always check with a tax professional. However, there are a few things noted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
For those who have considered hiring a resume writer, the good news is that you can deduct the cost of preparing your resume. Travel expenses incurred during your job search can be deducted if you itemize your deductions using Schedule A.
Unfortunately, you can’t deduct job search expenses if you’re changing careers. Your expenses must be for a job search in your current line of work.
Always check with an accountant regarding your taxes. In the meantime, you can find more information by visiting the IRS Tax Tips. More details on job hunting deductions can be found in Publication 529.
**This blog should not be considered tax advice. Always consult a tax professional about what is a deductible expense.