19 Sep
Clothes To Keep Your Job Search Under The Radar
While being employed makes you more appealing to employers, looking for a job while you’re already working has its own set of challenges. Finding a way to take calls from recruiters and interview, and still keep your job search under the radar.
While sneaking out of the office for interviews can be tricky, other things, like being dressed appropriately for a job interview, just need a little planning.
If you work in a casual office wearing an “interview outfit” will likely be a red flag to your current employer. Just as someone coming into a casual environment for a job interview is easily spotted by everyone else working there.
We’ve all been there, giving the guy in the jacket and tie the once over because we might soon be working with him.
So when you suddenly show up to work in dress slacks and a jacket instead of a shirt and jeans people will notice.
One of the keys to keeping your job search confidential is to start upgrading your wardrobe BEFORE you start looking for a new job.
- Substitute a nice pair of slacks for jeans one or two days a week.
- Start wearing a jacket now and then. Leave it over the back of your chair.
- Insert some collared shirts or blouses into your weekly rotation.
- Try a casual skirt instead of slacks a few times a month.
- Forgo your favorite sneakers or walking shoes for something more substantial.
While you can’t plan for everything, for example recruiters may call at inopportune times, many parts of the job search process are under your control. (Read How To Keep Your Job Search A Secret.)
Stay under the radar by never using your office computer for your job search, scheduling recruiter calls when you can be away from your desk, and keeping your job search activities to yourself.
Gradually taking your wardrobe up a notch or two well before you start looking will help avoid raising any red flags when you do start interviewing.