11 Apr
4 Ways To Get Called Back After A Job Interview
You know achievement-based resumes get much better results than boring lists of responsibilities and job duties. However, a strong resume can only help get you in the door. Then it’s up to you.
During the interview, it’s up to you to sell yourself to the employer. You need to convince the interviewer to invite you back for the next round. And eventually to hire you.
If you want to make it to the next round of interviews, it’s essential to be prepared, stay in the moment, and treat everyone with respect. Here are 4 things to remember.
Know Your Resume Cold
Make sure you know the story behind every, single thing written on your resume. If you’ve increased client business by 23% be prepared to explain to the interviewer in detail how you accomplished that.
If you list qualities like strategic planner or innovative manager among your skills, be ready with concrete examples that illustrate these qualities. Everything you claim on your resume (or social media profiles) is fair game for the interviewer
Don’t Be Afraid To Pause
Job interviews are nerve-wracking to say the least. When you’re sitting in the “hot” seat it’s easy to get distracted by that voice in your head that is wondering “what do they think of me?” or “how long have I been here?” or “how many other people are they seeing?” But you need to quiet that voice in your head because if you don’t focus on the hiring manger you may miss something, maybe something important.
During your next interview turn off that inner chatterbox, that’s busy planning your response before the hiring manager is even finished asking a question and listen. It’s perfectly OK to pause for a moment to think about your response.
Have A Few Questions To Ask
Toward the end of the interview most interviewers will ask if you have any questions. While they may not have any questions in mind, they don’t want to hear “no” or that you’ll get back to them if you think of something.
Before you head to your next job interview take some time to research the company. Read through the About Us section on the company’s website. Look for a mission statement. Review the staff bios, particularly anyone you may be meeting. Google them to see if they’ve been in the news. Take a look at their social media.
Listen carefully during the interview. You may want to ask what your biggest challenge might be or how your success will be measured.
Be Nice, To Everyone
Be nice to everyone when you interview. Don’t save your smile and friendly hello for the HR director or hiring manager. Spread the joy. You have no idea who is standing next to you in the rest room while you’re freshening up before the interview. It may be the person who will be interviewing you. Also, you never know who will be asked about you once you leave. It’s not uncommon for the boss to ask the admin and/or the receptionist how you treated them.
Interviewing for a job is a process. During your first interview focus on getting called back. Then concentrate on the next step. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time.
Remember the hiring manager is not on your schedule. While getting hired may be a priority for you, interviewing candidates is only part of his or her job. She may be in a hurry to fill a position. She may not.
Get an edge by sending a thank you note. Follow up, without stalking. Be patient, but don’t stop looking until you have a written offer in your hand.
P.S. Be sure you don’t make any of these 10 Interview Mistakes.