15 Jun
The Power Of Doing One New Thing
Do one thing every day that scares you. — Eleanor Roosevelt
It’s not easy to step out of our comfort zone and do something that scares us.
But, the only way to make those scary things less scary is to step up and do the things we’re afraid of.
I speak from experience.
Although most people wouldn’t know it, I’m an introvert. I used to be one of those who stood alone at networking events too shy to introduce myself. Two decades later, chatting with strangers is pretty easy.
Doing one thing that scares you every day, as Eleanor Roosevelt suggests, is a tall order.
So I’ll make the challenge much easier.
Just do one thing that scares you this week. Repeat each following week for one month.
Here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Comment thoughtfully on 5 LinkedIn posts.
- Contact a recruiter who specializes in your industry.
- Schedule a virtual coffee with someone you haven’t seen in a while.
- Create an Avatar of your ideal client.
- Ask three friends or family members who they know who can help you.
- Interact with one of your target employers or clients online.
- Talk to one person while waiting in line at the store.
- Go out to a restaurant or movie alone.
- Find 1 potential speaking opportunity.
- Follow up with one employer you have interviewed with.
- List 3 podcasts or LinkedIn Live shows where you’d like to be a guest.
What you choose doesn’t need to be something that moves your job search or business forward. Anything that takes you out of your comfort zone is great.
If you dread the idea of sitting at a table for one in a restaurant then do that. It will increase your confidence. It might even give you the self-assurance to attend the next networking event alone. (Read why that’s important.)
The idea is simple, not easy.
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary. But it gets easier every time. I promise.